My goal is to insipire and support individuals in achieving holistic well-being, fulfillment, and a deeper connection with their faith. I take immense please in being in a part of your journey, witnessing your growth, and offering guidance to ensure your path towards success.
“Free” 15 minute discovery call- Need clarity on life’s goals, or maybe you need help identifying the obstacles holding you back?
You’re not alone. And that’s why I offer sessions that help you identify strategies for overcoming obstacles and to accomplish goals. Together, we’ll advise you on how to make some real progress in your life so you can attain greater fulfillment and happiness.
Think of me as your personal trainer for your life. It is my goal to help you get a clear view of who and what you want to be, so you can walk in purpose on purpose.
Welcome packet & Welcome gift.
Goal worksheet.
Material and resources to support transformation
2 week follow-up email support.
Invitation and discount on premium coaching package.
I provide tailored coaching plans to meet your unique needs. I’m here to serve as your personal coach and mentor, supporting you on your journey toward a brighter future!
Client welcome kit and individualized tools and resources.
In-depth assessment of lifestyle and habits, to implement success strategies.
Individually tailored goal setting and measurement metrics.
Four 45-minute coaching sessions per month with recordings; via G-Meet.
Six months of private coaching. It is my role as a woman of God, to help you become the man/woman God intended you to be, by creating and providing resources that help you become the best version of yourself. It is my desire and objective, to aid you in your mental, spiritual, and physical success. I am focused on helping individuals achieve personal goals, master professional projects and accomplish career development tasks. I look forward to serving you, on the journey to becoming a better you!
Welcome gift.
Three 45-min. sessions per month for 6 months.
M-F access/support via WhatsApp and email
Weekly power-work to maximize coaching session.
Career/ personal development plan
Comprehensive monthly action plan and goal setting metrics.
Access to the YCC team and its networking & resources.
Access to new online programs and conferences at no extra cost.